Monday, February 22, 2010


Lately , TOYOTA, has been in the news for safety reasons.
A vehicle is supposed to be means of conveying humans and non-human passengers from one place to another safely, but this has not always been the case, that is why we have cases of auto-crashes on daily basis globally.Auto-crashes are supposed to be as a result of carelessness on the part of  drivers.A good vehicle is supposed to have all the safety gadgets in place to minimize injuries or loss of life in the event of the occurrence of an accident resulting from a driver's carelessness, with this is far from the reality with the recent unsavoury revelations coming from TOYOTA.

TOYOTA is a giant in the auto industry.Giving the Auto world beautiful vehicles year after year, but it has been revealed that these vehicles were actually death traps for gullible and ignorant users.So, most of the recorded global accidents had not been drivers' faults, it had been the fault of their vehicles (pure mechanical faults) and they were not traced to these vehcles untill very very recently.Is it only TOYOTA?I believe we shoud beem the searchlight on other auto-makers.

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